How compassionate are you?
I thought this was an interesting article.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/01/religious-compassion-atheists-agnostics_n_1468006.html?utm_hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false
Radio DJ encourages corrective rape on air
I saw this article today and found it totally shocking. Personally I don't think an apology is enough, what he said is completely unforgivable. I have signed an online petiton to have him fired, and I'll post a link if you feel you want to do the same. Link to the petition:…
Equal civil marriage consultation... (England & Wales)
https://www.homeofficesurveys.homeoffice.gov.uk/v.asp?i=48356xhlqw Listen up LGBT+'s in England & Wales the home office are holding a consultation on equal civil marriage. This is your chance to have your say, so take the time to do it!!
Equal civil marriage consultation... England & Wales
Sorry for the double post but it was important so I put it in both MFP groups who might be interested...... https://www.homeofficesurveys.homeoffice.gov.uk/v.asp?i=48356xhlqw Listen up - in England & Wales the home office are holding a consultation on equal civil marriage. This is your chance to have your say, so take the…
LGBT fiction
I love to read, and I read quite a bit of LGBT fiction, has anybody had a good read recently that they can recomend?
Cutting calories and lifting weights... recipe for disaster?
Firstly some background information... I'm a 5'6" female of 195 lbs. A few years ago sucessfully lost 60 lbs through diet and exercise, I maintained my weight for a few years but recently I basicly fell off the wagon and put most of it back on. During my last weight loss I worked out about 3 times a week, spliting my time…
Dislocated shoulder
Last year in May I dislocated my shoulder. It was extremely painful at the time - but the problem is it's still painful now. It hurts to sleep on, it hurts to move my arm behind my back (eg doing bra up), it hurts a little during exercise and a lot after exercise. Does anybody know any exercises I should doing or avoiding…