Itchy skin
Hello peeps, My skin has been itchy a bit for the past few days. On my thighs mostly, tummy and back. Is it that my skin is stretching and I am putting weight on? Is this a new symptom I haven't come across yet? Let me know please if you are familiar with this. Thanks
Hello again, I need to pick your brains here, with regards to homeopathy. I have some thyroid homeopathy remedies, in granules of 30C. But I don't know if I should use them or not. Here goes: when you use homeopathy, it triggers your body into getting the right response at sort of fixing itself. It's the cure of the…
Calling all over-eaters
I've had ENOUGH with those crisis where I overeat. I am fine most of the time, but some times, bang! And I just stuff my face, up to 3000 cals (on top of my normal eating). Of course I want to stop, but in order to stop, I want to understand the WHY I do it. The emotional trigger. So, come on, all of you. Come out from…
Armour versus Synthetic
I have been on T4 and T3 synthetic for a few months now (levothyroxine and liothyronine). Many of you seem to be on Armour. Have some of you switched from synthetic T3 to Armour? and if so, why, and what difference if any did it make?
Just a thought...
I have been consistently reading the posts on the Hypo Group and I remarked to myself that a lot of us, deny ourselves a lot of things. I am not criticising, far from it, but I just couldn't help but notice that we deny ourselves foods, a lot, and often. Food for thoughts, that' all (no pun intended). I have decided to…
Anti-Thyroid Foods
I compiled a list a while back of foods NOT recommended for hypothyroids. It's all a bit confusing when all you try to do is eat well and look after your body, without reverting to eating next to nothing or paper-baord tasting imitations of real foods. Have a look on google on various websites and give your opinion on…
Hashi diet
Hello, I know it's not brand new information but here's a link and its article. What do you make of it? The high fiber bit? Does work with the idea of Primal Diet but disagree with looking at the fat/animal fat. http://www.ehow.com/way_5522704_diet-hashimotos-hypothyroidism.html Diet for Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism Those…
A question on Hahimoto
Hello all, Could you tell me what on know on this: once you are hypothyroid as a result of Hahimoto, do you still have ups and downs like when Hashi is acting on your thyroid, or has Hashi completely killed off your thyroid and you just remain Hypo and that's all? Does that make sense? Shall i rephrase? Tx Ama
The binge - part 2
Dear all, I am overwhelmed by your very kind replies. I never expected this! So thank you, really. A lot of interested thoughts have come through, and the one that hit home the most is "why" and "punishment". It is obvious there is an emotional underlying cause to this. I'd like to think that I can carry on buying the…
I've done it again - binge
Hello, I'm new to the board. My problem is over eating, like many others. After replying to Nathalie yesterday, I proceeded on devouring half a bag of family size crisps, and my dinner, and chocolate, and ice cream, and more chocolate, and cashews, and wine, and a ham sarnie, blah blah blah... total calories for last…