I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder type 2 about 14 years ago (how time flies!) I've come to terms with most of the "quirks" of my diagnosis, particularly my inability to motivate myself during depressive episodes. I'm still curious about how other people deal with it. Are there any tips or tricks you have to share?
I know this sounds dumb, but I "run funny." I didn't realize it until I was in first grade, and a boy told me that I looked weird when I run. Ever since then I've had a fear of running or jogging, especially in public. I don't know the proper form. I'm scared of looking like an idiot to everyone in the gym. So I guess the…
Ever since I was a toddler with a sippee cups, or a child eating dry cereal, I've had a problem with milk. I'm not lactose intolerant, its just that the thought, taste, smell, or sight of milk makes me gag. If I don't get away from the situation quick enough, I will get sick. This takes place with anything that has a milky…
Hey guys! I'm (sorta) new to the site. I was about 135 and led an active lifestyle until I became incredibly obsessed with losing weight and eating as little as possible. Once I realized how scary things were going, I just stopped altogether. Now I am the complete opposite... over 100 pounds overweight, sedentary…