What you need: Protein Powder (I prefer chocolate) Peanut Butter (I choose natural with no added sugar) optional: Stevia Water Directions: Put 1 scoop of protein powder in a small bowl and add 1-2TABLE spoons of water, mix until it looks like pancake batter. Once it looks like pancake batter, add 1/2 TABLE spoon of peanutt…
Hey all I am an avid Fallout 3/New Vegas fan and I was wondering if there are anymore vault dwellers, carriers, feinds, Brothers of Steel, Caesars Legion out there wandering the same wastes as I am. If so hit a brother up!
Hello all! If you're like me and live in the SW and have a really developed pallet for mexican food but are sad you cant have it because of the calories, this recipe is for you! NOTE: feel free to change the portion sizes as I am a big guy and normally have this as my post workout/dinner meal. ***385 Calories*** 1 skinless…
Hey! I was just wondering how many of you are or were in a Fraternity/Sorority. Check in if you are! I, personally, am a Phi Delt of the New Mexico Alpha Colony! Proud to be a Phi and GO LOBOS! :happy:
Hey all I'm Chris, I'm currently a college student from Abq New Mexico. Been using the mobile app for almost a month now along with working out 5days a week and have lost 7.6lbs! Haha it's pretty sweet, well that's me hit me up if you got questions. -PsiChi