Healthy Mexican Food

PsiChi Posts: 157
Hello all!

If you're like me and live in the SW and have a really developed pallet for mexican food but are sad you cant have it because of the calories, this recipe is for you!

NOTE: feel free to change the portion sizes as I am a big guy and normally have this as my post workout/dinner meal.

***385 Calories***
1 skinless boneless chickenbreast: taking a pair of scissors, cut off all excess fat.

1 cup PLAIN back beans

2tbsp NATURAL salsa: I choose natural because it is normally made form just vegatables and peppers with out additives

1/2 a lime

Spray the pan/pot lightly with a NON fat spray, I personally have non-stick appliances so I dont use sprays.
Cook the chicken and spice it with black pepper, cayan pepper, or what ever calorie free spice.
Cook the beans on medium stirring them occasionally.

Once completed, use half the plate for chicken and half the plate for your beans. top the beans with 2Tbsp of salsa and squeeze the life over chicken/ rice and there ya have it!

