

  • Depends where I am. When I was in Brooklyn, people thought I was Russian/east european. When I was in Turkey/Greece they thought I was Syrian O.o
  • 1. vegetable: Broccoli 2. fruit: Strawberries 3. bread product: Whole Wheat Bread 4. condiment: Mustard 5. dessert: Boston Kreme from Dunkin' Doughnuts 6. snack: GoldFish 7. nut/seed: Cashew 8. grain/starch (i.e. lentils, rice, pasta, beans, etc): Black Beans 9. cheese: Chedder (even though I am lactose intolerant :P) 10.…
  • Pre-med student here lol feel free to add
  • XBL: USMarshal505 I play all sorts of games, I let my membership expire though but I am hoping to reactivate it this fall
  • I'm Chris, I am 6'3", 212lbs trying to get to 190, and I am a psychobiology major (pre-med) at the University of New Mexico. I am 20. Male I guess I do a combo of RP and LARP lol I am a WWII and Roman historical reenactor I want to get to 190 then start a clean bulk/cut cycle I've lost 6.6lbs so far this month No beaches…
  • You'll lose water weight but gain it right back after drinking water.. I like to use the sauna when I am sick, it helps break up the mucus. The sauna is also really beneficial for skin health in my opinion.
  • Eat breakfast, and BREAK THAT FAST.
  • I dont think you can have an "over dose" on Omega 3 lol if so, I would have overdosed a few weeks ago.. I take 3 Omega 3-6-9 gels in the morning/evening plus my multivitamin which has Omega 3-6 lol
  • Depends what you are looking for.. In the world of sports supplements there are 2 main types of protein powder. Whey: which is a fast digesting protein ideally taken just after waking up or post workout. Crasein: which is a slow digesting protein which is best taken before bed. These are all derived from milk. You also…
  • Optimum Nutrition's Whey Crisp Bar! I got the marshmallow treat and tastes just like a rice krispy treat! Nutrition Info: 250 Calories 25 Calories from fat 2.5g of fat 75mg sodium 34g Carbs 7g sugar 26g of protein Super awesome, I love to have these just before my work out!
  • I'll bite, here is some of my photography. All photographed by me!
  • I take Beast Sport Nutrition’s 2Shredded, its sale pitch is "fat loss" but I use it for the appetite suppression and the diuretic qualities; it works great for those! It sure has been a helper but above all you have to exercise and eat right to lose fat. I exercise like no other, but it’s nice to curb the appetite and keep…
  • Xbox 360, and Skyrim right now
  • Change sheets once a week and I also flip the matress once a week. I do laundry once a week brush my teeth 2 times a day shower 3 times a day (after morning cardio, after afternoon workout, after evening cardio) Clean my room 3 times a week, maybe more depending. I do cardio twice a day. thats really all i can think of
  • Never bugged me until today, I was super setting and this dude was chatting it up on one of the machines I needed to use! :mad: He wasnt even using the machine so I asked him politely if I could use it and he said no that he was using it and continued to blab on the phone and not using the machine... well that just pissed…
  • Depends what your job is, I am thinking private security? If so, anything in the .40 or .45 caliber. All the cops here are issued a glock in the .40 caliber. I personally carry a glock 9mm mainly because I don't have a proper holster for my .45. But down right 1 or 2 shots with any caliber will stop most people in their…
  • Car crash, air plane crash, gunshot... I also have a worry anytime I get a headache of an having a rupturerd brain aneurysm lol I am not sure why but I always think about it when I get a headache/migrange. I hope to go though at an old age, after a fun life, in my sleep.
  • I say if you like them, rock them!
  • I am from New Mexico and my favorite dish is Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas! OMG sooooo good but probably well over 1,200 calories a plate.
  • Jeez some peoples kids, if my dad heard me talking like that he'd take me out back and kick my *kitten*.
  • Copycat: The guy who is right next to you and copies EVERY exercise you do with dumbbells.
  • People who half-*kitten* stuff IE their work outs..It really bugs me to see guys in the gym that have no idea what they are doing, I mean it says STAFF on my shirt for a reason... And for those people out there who say "why dont you aproach him?" Univeristy rules say I cant intervene in an exercise unless the person is…
    in Pet Peeves Comment by PsiChi July 2012
  • I'm reading the collection of Ovid's "Erotic Poems". Its a pretty good book, abstract though haha
  • I normally go to the coldest setting just after a super hard work out...Its my version of an ice bath that athletes do.
    in Would you... Comment by PsiChi July 2012
  • You mean Catholics adding Catholic, Muslims adding Muslim, stuff like that? I dont see a problem lol I mean it gives you more common ground than just exercising...
  • Weigh your self once a week brah, youll see better results that way.
  • Some people say I'm in my mid 20's lol I'm only 20 so they are not far off
  • I dont mind any of my roomates but 1. He use to get super wasted and stay up all night yelling! :mad: Finally one night when he woke me up at 3:00am I was so pissed I got up and I yelled at him that if he didnt shut the *kitten* up I would kick his *kitten* up one side of the halway and down the other. He just sat…