Should Gyms Be Cellphone Free Zones

CalJur Posts: 627 Member
By now you have heard about the yoga instructor at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, California who was allegedly fired because she gave a stern look to a class participant using a smartphone during class. (Google yoga instructor Alice Van Ness if you don't know the story.) Should talking on smartphones be banned in gyms and/or limited to a specific area like smoking lounges in airports? Moreover, there is a concern about the camera use by some in the gym raising privacy issues.

For what it is worth, I do not like hearing other folks cell phone conversations while I'm working out at the gym. In my opinion, it is rude and annoying. The gym is a sanctuary for me and I'm there generally to de-stress and focus on the task at hand: working out. Certainly feel free to text, listen to music, watch movies, read a book, surf the web, etc. but I know specific individuals who come to the gym every day and use their time working out to call everyone in their contacts list and discuss things which should not be discussed in public.

Thoughts? All viewpoints welcomed.


  • missworld95
    missworld95 Posts: 131 Member
    Honestly I think cell phones should be banned almost everywhere. It's corrupting everyone. I know plenty of people who would go mad if they lost their phone, that's how dependent they are on it... I always see groups of people hanging out together, not talking, on their cells, I mean really? Not that it's any of my business but I just don't get it. When I'm with someone and they start texting, I get pissed off. Worst thing is at restaurants when there's always that one person who is ridiculously loud on their cellphone.
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    Tough one because we do so much more with our phones. Mine is my mp3 and a stop watch so I need it.

    Talking in a public area, while in a class and especially mid activity should be prohibited for the comfort of others and h&s. You can have signs saying the use of a camera is prohibited too.
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    I'd be lost without my phone but it stays in my locker when I'm at the gym. What's so urgent that it can't wait until you've finished your workout? And for the record I think people that hold up equipment because their talking on the phone should be shot......or told to move on, either will do :laugh:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I personally don't care- I keep my own headphones on and mind my own business. I would be pissed if cellphones got banned and I wasn't allowed to use it for my music though- and lots of people would be pissed if their workout tracker apps couldn't be used.

    I guess I would be upset if I found a video of myself on youtube making fun of what I was doing at the gym, but luckily I try not to do anything where I would look like an *kitten*. Run hard, lift heavy, and mind your own business is my motto.

    ETA: actually, scratch that- I look like an *kitten* all the time at the gym now that I think about it, but I'm working hard so I really don't care if people think that looks funny, and if a video ended up online of me working like a beast, so be it.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    No, phones should not be banned at the gym or anywhere. However, I agree with possibly limiting the use of the cellphone while in the gym and in other areas. I use my phone in the gym for listening to music and watching videos. If I receive a call, I simply walk out during a break to return that phone call. If it is an emergency, I will step out to use my phone, as I do in class, meetings, at work, etc.
  • BuckeyeBabe10
    BuckeyeBabe10 Posts: 204 Member
    I have mixed feelings about it. I don't think you should be on your phone having full out conversations with no regard for anyone else around you trying to get work done, but I can understand having it if someone's "on call" or expecting an important call.

    In the latter situations, it's one of those things where you answer (while quitting your workout), letting the person on the other line know to give you a second to "step outside" where you then take the call. Or, if the person answers the phone, (s)he asks the caller if (s)he can call them back once they get outside. It should be no more than a 10 second conversation where the person stops the workout and exits the workout area either to a closed, separate lobby area or just plain goes outside to take the call. When (s)he is done, feel free to come back in and resume that workout.

    For me personally, I have answered texts before and I like having my phone on me so the moment I get off a certain piece of equipment (if I'm using exercise machines) I can log onto the MFP phone app to log my workouts - helps me not forget the burn and time values. :o)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Only if I could take my camera in instead.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Only if I could take my camera in instead.

    I really would miss your locker room photos of all the saggy men.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    By now you have heard about the yoga instructor at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, California who was allegedly fired because she gave a stern look to a class participant using a smartphone during class. (Google yoga instructor Alice Van Ness if you don't know the story.) Should talking on smartphones be banned in gyms and/or limited to a specific area like smoking lounges in airports? Moreover, there is a concern about the camera use by some in the gym raising privacy issues.

    For what it is worth, I do not like hearing other folks cell phone conversations while I'm working out at the gym. In my opinion, it is rude and annoying. The gym is a sanctuary for me and I'm there generally to de-stress and focus on the task at hand: working out. Certainly feel free to text, listen to music, watch movies, read a book, surf the web, etc. but I know specific individuals who come to the gym every day and use their time working out to call everyone in their contacts list and discuss things which should not be discussed in public.

    Thoughts? All viewpoints welcomed.

    There are two reasons I can think of as to why a cellphone should be used by somebody in a gym and that is if they are awaiting an extremely important phone call or is on-call for their job.

    Other than that, if people cannot be without their beloved phones for a couple of hours when they are working out, there is something very wrong with this world.

    Why they cannot turn the thing off, stick it in the locker and do their workout WITHOUT it accompanying them around the gym really is baffling.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I think the use of cellphones for texting and internet have ruined an entire generation for communication skills. That being said, my cellphone stays in the locker, and i have internal conversations at the gym. (Yes, I freely admit to talking to myself, sometimes outloud, which may be as annoying as a cellphone conversation) As the OP says, I am there to work off stress and make myself better. I need to talk myself through that sometimes!:blushing:
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    If someone else using a phone in your vicinity bothers you...I think that is the real problem.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    If someone else using a phone in your vicinity bothers you...I think that is the real problem.
    I bothers me. When I am working out and someone is having a loud obnoxious conversation next to me its distracting.
    Even worse when I am waiting for a machine and someone is sitting on it talking on the phone. Sorry but its just rude and I don't really think a persons lack of social grace should be my problem.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
  • PsiChi
    PsiChi Posts: 157
    Never bugged me until today, I was super setting and this dude was chatting it up on one of the machines I needed to use! :mad: He wasnt even using the machine so I asked him politely if I could use it and he said no that he was using it and continued to blab on the phone and not using the machine... well that just pissed me off so then I grabbed his arm and said "You either get off or I'm getting you off" and he got off the machine and I knocked out my the last of my super set.

    Judge if you want but if you're not using a machine, I say get off!
  • mbk830
    mbk830 Posts: 164 Member
    I hate getting phone calls at the gym, but I'm on call 24/7. Keep it short and sweet and find out if it is an emergency before really interrupting my workout. I like being able to go to the gym and would hate for a ban to be an excuse that I cannot.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I use my phone at the gym for music.. and when my mom was in the hospital/rehab, I brought it to my personal training session incase something happened to her.. but normally i leave my phone in my locker during my personal training sessions.

    I mean, I don't think it should be banned.. if people want fart around on their phone the entire time, thats their prerogative.. not mine.

    Problem with having rules is, you need people to enforce the rules... and unless you are going to pay staff members to run around and police members with cell phones, you will still have people yapping away and doing crazy things with their phones.
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    I use my cell phone as my music player, but other than that, I don't use it at the airport or at the gym. It's a rule for me - I hate to be THAT person who's got to yell to be heard over announcements or loud music. And I also hate hearing one side of a conversation!

    I follow do unto others - I figure to teach by example. Too bad everyone's always looking at their screens and not paying attention to what's going on around them!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Never bugged me until today, I was super setting and this dude was chatting it up on one of the machines I needed to use! :mad: He wasnt even using the machine so I asked him politely if I could use it and he said no that he was using it and continued to blab on the phone and not using the machine... well that just pissed me off so then I grabbed his arm and said "You either get off or I'm getting you off" and he got off the machine and I knocked out my the last of my super set.

    Judge if you want but if you're not using a machine, I say get off!

    That makes me so mad! I wanted to use a machine last week but a lady was using it to hold her stuff! Put your stuff on the floor so I can use the damn machine. Either that or a bunch of guys are chatting around a machine, not actually using it and they glare at you when you wanna use the machine. Seriously, talk outside! Some of us wanna get our workouts done as quickly as possible as we have stuff to do. D: