There is a consistent thread that runs through the anti-oxidant anti-inflammatory mindset, the fine details are where unique programs and plans emerge. At the most basic level, we need to eat what we can process. Once that is accomplished we can try to run high octane fuel which will help scavenge as many free radicals as…
As we start transitioning towards solutions, we need to consider how we got here. Access to healthcare is always a hot topic politically, but is that really the question we should be asking first. We are often quite good at hitting the bulls-eye on the wrong target. It is often quoted that we have the most expensive…
In Part I we established overweight/obesity as an inflammatory condition largely through adipokines. But why should that matter? The most dangerous component of this inflammation is its "silent" nature. Excess fat cells soon turn to toxic fat dumping the inflammatory messengers (adipokines). Now the vicious cycle between…
Fat cells or adipocytes serve a critical function in our bodies. However, like most things too much of a good thing becomes unhealthy. In the right proportion, the adipocytes have both a pro- and anti- inflammatory function. As the scales, literally, tip towards obesity the anti-inflammatory function is dwarfed. What is…