Starting a discussion about rowing...my biggest current question is, what should I wear? I assume, for us rookies on machines in the boathouse in January, that there will be a lot of standing around. For weightlifting, I wear thin little Lulu leggings. I could wear those under some old floppy sweatpants? And for shoes,…
Still on a high 'cause new deadlift PR is 292
Set a state record at the meet this past weekend! Then I tried 303 and almost got it pulled up but ran out of steam and stopped short, darn it. Next up, focus on diet to get into a lower weight division. Next meet is in 6 months so I had better get busy! It's all about the journey! Keep lifting! :)
Deadlift PR 272
Happy and tired and betting I could do more at competition!
Help me plan arms/back day
I've managed to sprain my knee, and need to rest it completely for at least two weeks. No reason I can't work arms and back though, as long as I isolate carefully. I'm having trouble remembering enough lifts to make a workout though. I can't really do most anything standing, as stability (and pressure on the knee) is…
Lifting and grip strength
This is really a question more for those of us of a certain age. I have arthritis in my fingers, and I've noticed I am losing grip strength. For weightlifting, at least deadlifts, the limiting factor some days is simply my grip strength. I *hate* straps. I am thinking of getting on of those grip trainers that rock climbers…
Deadlifts - Sumo or conventional
What are the pros and cons of each? I tried sumo last night for the first time. My feeling is, I can probably jump up about 50 lbs sumo style. I am worried that if I did that, I'd be at about 300 lbs, and I am not sure about my knees. Since I am so short ( 5' 2"), and I have long arms, sumo style I only have to move the…
Getting stronger/functional fitness
Been lifting heavy for about 1/2 a year now. Got to my goal of 250+ dead last week, and my new goal is 300 lb. So yesterday a friend needed help trimming her sheep's feet. She usually catches them and tips them up, but she hurt her knee and so it was my turn to catch the little darlings. They weigh maybe 200 lbs on…
My deadlift PR :)
A little brag but I am still smiling about it. Did 253 last night! I know it doesn't sound like much but I'm 56, female, and 5 ft 2 (well, in heels). I'm the smallest in my group and I lift the heaviest. If only I was a little stronger with the bench press but anyway.
What song gets you up and out the door?
Looking for new songs to inspire me! What are your favorites? My current ones are "Titanium" by David Guetta and Sia, and "Further" by Long-View
Is anyone other than me OBSESSED with Pinterest? I use it to keep my motivation up. At work,when they bring out the pies and cookies (I work in education and I am sorry but teachers can seriously EAT), I take a look at my "Inspirations" board on Pinterest and it keeps me saying a polite no thank you instead of yes please.…