HI All, Welcome to March. Spring is almost here Yeah! Goals for this month to lose another 4 to 5 lbs. Eat more mushrooms and green vegetables. Mostly, eat just vegetables and very limited carbs. This month is already starting off crazy. Going to Williamstown on Friday then back to work on Sat. Off to NYC again for Sunday…
Gluten free vegan lifestyle for me. I already eat pretty healthy but I would like to make a few more changes to my diet. I want to make sure I reach my goal of 1lb cooked and 1 lb raw vegetables daily. So, I started green smoothies for breakfast instead of oatmeal. I have been getting my raw vegetables in, now I need to…
We missed starting the new thread yesterday. Everyone must be re ally busy right now. It completely slipped my mind yesterday. Title is a little reminder for all of us to eat those foods everyday. I have been really strict and I am down to my body's set point weight. Last time I was down here it liked being at this weight…
Welcome March! Let the snow melting begin and of course fat. Goals for March: 1. 5 more weeks strict ETL 2. exercise 3+ days a week 3. spring clean if time allows. Had a really good eating week and I feel like my energy is starting to come back. So, on the week 2 of ETL I am glad I did not wait till March 1 to start. I am…
Hi, New to the group I just purchased a Vita-Mix yesterday. I know it will make my life so much easier. Terri