Hiya. I'm a newbee walker with you all and want to hear about what you are walking to and working on? I'm alternating between the Walk it off in 30 Days and Walk Slim Fast and Firm. I am trying to work on tightening my post baby/caesarean pooch!! Recommendations of other DVDs are most welcome =) .
Hiya. I had abdo surgery 4 days ago and need to gently work back to being able to exercise. Did you dive back in or gently build up after surgery or injury? I am feeling a little anxious about it but know I have to plan and get back to having an active lifestyle. Would love to hear your experiences.
Hiya. I have an old fractured ankle injury (6 years). All my hardware is still in and I am wondering if anyone can advise about jogging with it there. Naturally I get twinges and it is a little achey when I do- but this is my last internal excuse and I want to be done with it. I am no athlete. Just a Mum trying to get back…