Runners knee- patellafemoral pain syndrome help
Hi everyone I've had runners knee for over 4 months now, I've missed all my races I'd entered at the start of the season and it's just not getting any better. I also have lower back pain which I'm doing Pilates for each week. I've recently taken up swimming which I'm enjoying but my knee hurts on the elliptical and rowing…
Not giving up, just changing my focus...
I've had enough of the injuries and lower back pain and now runners knee! I've had a recurring lower back injury for over a decade and it has stopped me EVERY TIME when I have a fitness goal, it either shows itself as back pain, hip pain or knee pain depending on how my body is compensating. Well it stops now. I still want…
So what's been your NSV today?
Today I went to our local market and I resisted buying pick and mix sweets! This is a MASSIVE Nsv for me as I have such a sweet tooth and I've worked out the last 32yrs exactly which my favourites are. I'd normally have to buy about 500gms and scoff the lot... Very proud x Have you had a nsv today? X
Is having a very high bpm dangerous?
I ran/walked a 10k today and when I was running my heart rate was around 181bpm. I'm a 31yr old female, 160lbs and 5ft7in so theoretical heart rate shoul be about 189? This means I was at 95%... Is this dangerous or am I just incredibly unfit? p.s. evertime I exercise I feel light headed. Just want to put my mind at rest.…
How much do you drink before, during and after exercising???
I'm normally very good at drinking a lot of water throughout the day, I don't drink caffeine drinks, fizzy drinks, tea or coffee. However, I've realised (since having heat exhaustion on Sunday!) that I don't drink anything during workouts. I'm just not thirsty and don't sweat very much even when I work out really hard.…
Cannot eat in the mornings...?
Hi, I want to take part in a lot of races such as 10k's up to marathon distance but I have IBS and I struggle eating anything at all in the mornings as my stomach is always upset. Are there any drinks that I could get instead that are high in calories to give me energy so I can still participate? Thanks Jemma
Can you help? x
Hi All, I just joined mfp a couple of days ago and absolutely love it but I am a little confused, I am checking my totals for the day in my food diary and for example: penne pasta is 156 calories: 31 carbs, 1 fat, 5 protein, 2 fibre, 1 sugar which equals 40. So where is the other 116? Sorry if I am being really dense but I…