I work in an ER as most nights we have been absolutely non stop busy the past three nights. The problem is we are so busy I don't have time to track what I eat. Then when I get home I'm so exhausted I can't even think what I ate at work that night! I pack a lot of snacks that I can eat on the run but I again how do I keep…
I changed my goals. I have given myself some slack and am allowing myself 1330 calories, translates to losing 1lb a week vs/ 1.5 a week. I think one reason I can't stay committed is because I am always slightly (and sometimes MAJORLY) over my calorie goal, which make me feel so defeated. Also I lowered my workout…
I snacked on David's Jumbo Sunflower Seeds during tonight's shift. No big deal except I have already gone over my calorie limit for the day!!! (It's only 6am!!!) I work 7pm-7am and track calories from 12pm-12pm, WEEEELLLLL I got hungry at 2am and I didn't have enough snacks for the shift :( I didn't have any change for…
I finally can say that I like vegetables other than the traditional salad kind (lettuce, tomato, and onions). Also I want to start experimenting with different kinds!!! I made some steamed veg's two nights ago with a lot of different herbs and spices. The mixture was so good that I actually want to start making them daily…