Diabetes Medication recommendation
Speed / time or distance confused
Hi, is it better to exercise for speed, time or distance? If i walk on the treadmill for 60 minutes a day, should i aim to do more miles in that 60 minutes or should i be more concerned with walking at a slower pace which would give me less miles but higher incline to burn more calories. Please help
chia Seeds - confused
how do you account for chia seeds? 1 tablespoon is 5g carbs but has 5g dietry fiber. Thanks in advance
Diabetes Medication recommendation
Hi All, I am trying to see if anyone can recommend a diabetes medication that my doctor can prescribe in addition to the metformin i take. I am currently on Metformin 1000mg 2x a day. That does not seem to be working. My A1C has been steadily rising even though i have changed my diet quite a bit. I try to do lowcarb under…
Newbie Question - Equipment and Calories
Hi All, Forgive me if this has been asked already. I am planning on starting heavy lifting. wanted to know if 1) is it something i can do from home or do i need a gym membership 2) if i can do it from home what equipment do i need especially for the overhead press. 3) I weigh 215lbs and weightloss is my number one goal,…
Confused, Help - Moderation or low carb?
Ok, so I am so confused as to what to do. I have been reading a lot on weightloss. Whiles I have found low carb gives you quicker weightloss and good for diabetics, I find it so hard to stick to a low carb diet such as atkins or say around 20grams of carbs a day as a lifestyle. so my question is can I eat regular things…
Women who Lift
Ok, so I have a question. I am reading a lot about lifting weights to loose weight. So my question is - can I just lift weights at least 3x a week and loose weight without cardio? I am 215 lbs - should I not worry about building muscle on top of fat (forgive my ignorance)? and how long should my sessions be?
Eat back burned calories OR NOT?
Is it better to eat back your calories burned or not?