Staying Below Sugar Goal
Goodmorning! I have a question that's been on my mind for a bit. For my diet plan I pro-rated the recommended daily values for 2000 kcal to a 1400 kcal, which should (and it does) free me of 1 pound a week. I usually meet my goals, except for sugar. I really watch my intake, read labels etc. but I just can't seem to mee…
Phone logging reminders after the fact!
Seriously, a reminder will pop up on my phone, but I have logged my meal already. Does it not 'see' that I have? Can this be changed? I mean, I do want reminders but only if I truly forgot.
Need a laugh? This puts things into perspective!
best thing to eat at piccadilly cafeteria
Every now and then I have no choice but to eat out, and I hate not being in control. I try and make a guess as to what would be the least damaging, but the other day I got stuck with a pasta plate from Chili's that ended up to be something like 1,500 calories, more than my entire intake for the day! So, tonight I will find…
Seroendeng.... A Great snack!
Seroendeng is a dish from Indonesia consisting of a mixture of grated coconut, peanuts, onions and spices. It is usually sprinkled over your rice to enhance the flavor and texture. Place in a small bowl on your buffet with the rice table, so diners can help themselves. It will keep in a airtight jar for a considerable…
Read this... not for the faint of heart! http://www.reducetriglycerides.com/diet_triglycerides_sugar.htm
Adding "gained" calories back into diet?
I'm not sure why I would do that? My page adds 'em back in automatically, but I want to stick to the 1400 kcal I have allotted for myself each day. Of course, it is nice to see how many kcal I've burned by working out! What's your idea and how do you handle this?