best thing to eat at piccadilly cafeteria

Every now and then I have no choice but to eat out, and I hate not being in control.

I try and make a guess as to what would be the least damaging, but the other day I got stuck with a pasta plate from Chili's that ended up to be something like 1,500 calories, more than my entire intake for the day!

So, tonight I will find myself at Piccadilly. I would love to hear what you would eat there, and why.


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I have no idea what that place is but if I am ever in an "unknown" place, I will always opt for whatever chicken salad I can get with the dressing on the side. I feel like thats the best way for me to control what I am eating.

    I also have the MFP ap on my phone and it has virtually every place I've ever eaten is on it. I just looked it up, and Piccadilly is on the MFP ap, and the nice thing about the ap is that is displays calories when you look up items. Piccadilly looks like it has a lot of salad and veggie choices. Look up what you want when you get there and see if it fits in your calories.
  • knay112
    knay112 Posts: 45 Member
    I guess I need to come out of the Dark Ages...
    I do not have a smart phone......