Helloooo fellow sweaters! Who is with me today?! I did not want to workout today. I usually rest today, but I already rested one day last week. I usually take 1 day a week off. The comment lilmzritz left yesterday helped motivate me to get on my stationary bike and watch America's funniest videos! It's working. I'm still…
P90x 1 hr arms & shoulders For those that have made it so far, high 5!! Not many people can stick to something like this! Be proud of yourselves and the commitment! Thanks for the support and dedication! : ) Get your sweat on and Keep on sweating...
P90X chest & back and ab ripper X 75 min
Walked my dog about a mile to the store and brought back a 6 pack of beer for my husband. The whole way home I was doing bicep curls with it on and off. I looked goofy, but it worked : ). Try to make healthy choices if your going to a football party... I know This is going to be very hard for me!