HIIT, Tabata, & steady state cardio
I have been trying to mix in a little HIIT or Tabata with my steady state cardio. I can't tell if it is benefitting or not. I was wondering if anyone else had experimented with this or if anyone with vast knowledge of the subject could offer any valuable info. Will doing Tabata (a 4 min. session) in the middle of a 65 min…
17 day diet
My sisters are big fans of the 17 day diet. This diet consists of 4 cycles with the 1st cyle lasting 17 days thus the name of the diet. During the 1st cycle you lose lots of water weight and basically detox the body. The 1st cycle is very restrictive in the foods you can and cannot have. As you move forward through the…
Body Fat
What is the best way to determine body fat other than body pod or underwater weighing? I bought a caliper from GNC which states it is as accurate as underwater weighing. It concerns me of the accuracy though because it only requires a one site measurement. Any thoughts?
Pull ups
I try and try to do great pull ups but for the life of me I cannot. I see lots of people in the gym crank out lots of pull ups and make it look so easy. Most of the guys doing pull ups like champs seem to be thin. I weigh in at 205 lbs right now. I can do assisted pull ups and get like 10 but unassisted I can only get 3 if…
What are the best shoes...in your own opinion
I am crazy about shoes. I feel that finding the perfect shoe is like finding the perfect woman. The right shoe has the right feel, fit, and look. I am trying to get into running and so far haven't been able to find that perfect shoe. So far in my closet I have Puma Pumagility (they are light and fit OK but make my feet…
Tabata method training
I am just curious to know if you combine steady state cardio with a 4 minute tabata style format say 5 minutes into the steady state and then continue with steady state for the remainder of an hour will the steady state cancel out the benefit of the tabata? Or will you receive the benefit of both? I know that a pro to…
Childhood Obesity
The lack of exercise by today's youth has led to an increase in childhood obesity. Many children lead such sedentary lifestyles and consume such highly caloric foods that they are becoming morbidly obese at much younger ages. Many organizations are now promoting children and teens to get up and go play. Many new move…