Body Media Armband - visible under work shirt?
So I know there have been a number of threads on this but I wasn't able to find exactly the answer I was looking for. I work in a business casual environment - so wear mostly long sleeve button down shirts with the occasional polo on a Friday. Under the long-sleeve shirt - can anyone tell you are wearing it? What about…
Fun internet sites at work
So I am incredibly slow at work right now and am looking for some fun sites that can be accessed from work (i.e. not the same kind of sites I access at night from personal computer - haha). I normally just go with the standard CNN, ESPN, local news sites - but now I have read every single story on there - and I figure MFP…
Is it possible to have too many friends??
I don't think so either. Wanna be my friend?? I can already see how much friends can help you on here. Here is why you should friend me: I will laugh when you laugh, I will be pissed when your pissed, and I am funny so when the scale lies, I will post funny jokes and pictures of people shooting scales and stuff. Finally, I…
3 days in!
So I am 3 days in and love it so far! I am a 33 yr old male from the Chicago area. My wife turned me on to this site as a great way to try something new. I did WW for a while, but feel I can get the same benefit from counting calories in/out as I could using that site so I wanted to try this. My wife and I are going to try…
eat out every meal.......
I work as a consultant with one of the big 4 accounting firms. This means most weeks I am on the road at least Mon-Thursday, and many times Sunday-Friday, staying at hotels. This means I have to eat literally every meal out most of the week. I know the "good" foods to eat when eating out - but most of the restaraunts I go…
Anyone else travel for a living?
New member here looking for some good advice!! I work as a consultant with one of the big 4 accounting firms. This means most weeks I am on the road at least Mon-Thursday, and many times Sunday-Friday. Each project is different as far as time requirements, gym availability, food options, etc. I have been with this company…