When I look up calories and fat on this website of Maverick Ground Round beef and Ground Turkey the calories , fat didn't seem much different. I am wondering if the Maverick I looked at was really the Ground Round Maverick. I though 4 ounces was 140 calories. The one I saw said 170 calories. So, the question is use Ground…
I had been doing Zumba once a week for several months. The soreness in my knees got worse. Now I have tingling in my knee caps. No pain unless I kneel on my knees. Any idea what the tingling in the kneecaps could be? Both are that way. Maybe one worse than other.
I have sore knees after doing Zumba one day a week for weeks. It is on carpet. I have tried buying the carpet sliders they sell but I still had pain. Maybe I already injured my knees. Do some people just wear socks? This is a high impact Zumba class.
Looking at the entry for Lundberg Brown Jasmine vs Jasmine white rice the carbs are different. Is this correct? It says 34 carbs for 1/2 cup brown jasmine and 24 carbs for white jasmine.
Is there an app that works well that tracks distance run or walked and time on iPhone?
The calcium tablets I have are Nature Made which has calcium carbonate. Do you need to take with food to get it to absorb?
Say you walk for 30 minutes, would an out of shape overweight person burn more calories than an in shape normal weight person. Books I have looked at on fitness just mention how many calories burned for each cardio exercise. Does it not depend on the person?