Getting the excersise playlist right is tricky business... What are your favourite songs to work out to? A couple of mine are - Turisas - Rasputin Korpikklanni - Vodka Devildriver - Before the Hangman's Noose Pantera - ****ing Hostile Children Of Bodom - Triple Corpse Hammerblow Dimmu Borgir - Burn in Hell xxx
Hey I've just this week bought a pair of Scarpa walking boots, they felt fine in the shop and I walked around at home in them for a few hours to make sure the fit was good and that they wouldn't cause blisters. All was okay so I took them out for a short walk down the canal, in the second hour of walking the ball of my…
So I work at a desk 40 hours a week... Anyone know any cheeky exercises I can do while I work? Thank you!
I'm running out of ideas for what to put on salads to keep them interesting. So far I have had salad with... Slice of ham Salmon Chicken escalops Quiche Grilled chicken breast Some suggestions of what you like to have on your salad would be great :) Thanks x
Hello, I am a 'Yo-yo' dieter, I diet until i am at my goal size and then stop. Completely. Does anybody else do this? I relly want to stop this, each time I do it I end up getting bigger and bigger! I feel like i'm takeing one step forward and two steps back! I find that the thing that motivates me the most is events, for…