Exerciing with asthma
My asthma is really interfering with my ability to do cardio, I can't even get my heart rate over 110 without struggling to breathe, feeling fatigued and dizzy. I've been taking my Ventalin right before working out and my trainer told me to start taking it a half-hour before instead but that hasn't helped. Interestingly…
cost of gym membership?
I am looking for a gym; just to have basic access to weight machines and cardio equipment...I have an appointment this afternoon at one of the local chain gyms to check it out. Anyway, I was wondering what do you pay for your gym membership?
looking for a few close friends
I'm looking for a few friends that I can have a close relationship with - getting to know each other and staying in contact often. I don't need a lot of friends, just a couple good ones. If you're interested and have the time available, I'd love to hear from you. (This reads a little too much like a personal ad - lol!)…
anyone trying to lose weight while taking Seroquel?
I take Seroquel for bipolar disorder and it has been a life saver for me. No single drug has produced such positive results. However, I've gained 25 lbs. since starting Seroquel and I was still gaining when I decided to come here and try to get the situation under control. Following the program here was enough to stop me…
I'm not pregnant!
Much of the weight I've gained can be attributed to medications I am taking and one of the side effects is that the weight gain deposits in the belly; similar to the way a man would gain weight. I have gained a little over all but for the most part it's concentrated in my belly, so I look pregnant. Today I am at the…
all or nothing thinking and how to get back on track?
I have bipolar disorder and one of my big problems is "all or nothing thinking", so when I'm dieting I'm either doing well or I blow it entirely; there's just no middle ground. Last week I did really well and when I weighed in I was almost 2 lbs. heavier. I was crushed. I was so discouraged that I felt like there was no…