I'm a new member of staff, and my work place is having a Jacob join today to welcome myself and two other new staff members, everyone in my department knows I'm on a diet and that I'm down 6lbs since starting there 4 weeks ago (9 if you count the 3lbs I put on in the first week!) However there is a line between being on a…
anyone else struggling to get the right balance of vitamins and and minerals from a calorie restricted diet? arthritis is common in my family and I'm very concious of my calcium intake and recently it's been well below the 100 recommended and more like 20-30. would it be worth buying calcium supplements? my diet is also…
does anyone else get pain in the hip joint when they jog? mine is a slow build up but it got so bad two weeks ago that i had to take a week off running. my doctor told me to stop running and lose weight and my hip will no longer hurt... cheers for that last week i did some shorter runs of 12-16minutes and today went to…
day 9 and still no fast food, also no shop bought ready meals and no meals out!! my oven hob is starting to feel the pressure!