Lifting heavy..???
What is lifting heavy do I need to go to the gym for this.
30 day shred day 3 ..2 inches off waist goan..
5"0 hw:280 cw:255 gw:130 im trying to lose 20lbs in these 30 days anybody,wanna join me.? On my weightloss journey need any friends I can get.thankz.
Bottom hangin fat(pannus)
ok so I lost a few pounds then I gain them back. And ive been this weight before but my body never look like this its worryin me because my bottom "dunlap" is huge And it sticks out more than ever I cant even where the clothes I use to wear and the creas between the flap and top roll that was in my belly button has…
natural hair?
any natural hair divas here?
eating does not equal fun.....a rant !!!
i have a hard time understanding why i associate eating with fun I guess it has something to do with the fact every event in america is celebrated by gathering around a mass amount of food... anywhere for that matter.. Why i keep doing this to myself i cant keep losing the same 30lbs over and over. i feel deprive when i…
short girls out there 130lbs??????
i was wondering im 5' i want to be about 130lbs whats a estimate pant size i would wear or did you or do you wear at 130???
30 day shread(calories)!
How many calories the 30 day shread burn.
want to lose a 100lbs are more?
hi tasha here anybody need to lose a 100lbs are more i see alot of people on here have to lose like 20lbs are just tighten up. are they have already goan through what im tryin to do lose 100 plus pounds anyway im just looking for a support team so we can help each other pound for pound. hey, i like that it has a nice ring…
cheap and healty? mealss!!!!!! help...
im looking for affordable meals that i can make any suggestions
rice.. help!
so i have some leftover rice and im bakin chicken to go along with it but im a gravy person and i dont want to use gravy its already white rice anysuggestions to spice it up....
help! 22 broke and fat
hi im tasha im 22 and 262 lbs i have been on yo yo diet every since i was 10 yes 10. the only thing that would work for me is weight watchers bujt i would lose sum weight get content then stop then gain the weight all back but now i have no extra money to get weight watchers or buy food much less i eat watever is at my job…
hanging belly
i have that hanging belly pouch situation. will that lift up when i lose weight or will my skin be slack and hanging anybody elese have the hanging stomach with advice?
Anybody close to florence trying to start a. Weightloss support team in my area to help motivate each other.
weight building q&a
help! my husband is a little guy and he is trying to gain muscle mass any suggestions anyone?
personal question from women wth hormone issues?
i have a hairy face what to do?