personal question from women wth hormone issues?

tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
i have a hairy face what to do?


  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    there is a medication called Aldactone that is often prescribed for this issue. It is available as a generic called Spironolactone
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    You should make an appointment with a dermatologist or endocrinologist to discuss.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    You could have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. That's one of the symptoms. I'd see your OBGYN.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Wax or maybe get it lasered if you can afford it? I wax but laser would be an awesome option if I could afford but unfortunately I'm a broke beezy! ;)
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    I have PCOS and have fought this issue for years. I tried Spirolactilone, it didn't work for me. I also tried Metformin, and a few other meds, nothing even slowed it down..... =(
    I hope you get better results!! Good luck to you on your journey!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Shave! Wax! Pluck.... or go to doc who'll sort ya out. x
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Wax or maybe get it lasered if you can afford it? I wax but laser would be an awesome option if I could afford but unfortunately I'm a broke beezy! ;)

    waxing and lazering = $$$$

    spironolactone = $4/month

    Also, are you on birth control? Sometimes progestin only bc can cause this.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    You could have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. That's one of the symptoms. I'd see your OBGYN.


    Spironolactone will help, also if your not currently trying to have a baby, Birth Control pills are also known to help regulate hormones, as well as good ole exercise!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I have PCOS and have fought this issue for years. I tried Spirolactilone, it didn't work for me. I also tried Metformin, and a few other meds, nothing even slowed it down..... =(
    I hope you get better results!! Good luck to you on your journey!

    Was it a derm, endocrinologist, or ob/gyn that consulted you for the facial hair issue? Did you need to see several specialists, or were you able to review those options with just one?
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    no insurance for doc. i use veet but it burns and leave marks.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    no insurance for doc. i use veet but it burns and leave marks.

    A typical office visit costs $100. You could just pay cash, and then if you get a script, the generic is available for $4/month at Target without insurance.

    What state do you live in?
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    Having hair is normal. Humans are meant to have hair.
    Having hair is normal. Humans are meant to have hair.

    Men more so than women because of testosterone. Have you had blood work done to see if you are within normal ranges? Being overweight can also cause your hormones to go wacky, so weight loss is one thing that will probably help (in the long run) and doctors may first suggest to lose weight.

    As for removal there are many ways but if you have the follicles, hair will grow. It is also genetic. Is your mom/sister/grandma hairy in the areas where they don't want it?
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I have heard that blackstrap molasses is good for excessive hair growth.

    I use it to help balance out my hormones, but have never had a problem with facial hair. I'm not sure if it actually works or not, but I've been consistently losing weight, so it can't be hurting me! LOL

    (Note: It's pretty strong, so I recommend mixing it with some vanilla yogurt and a dash of cinnamon.)
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    no insurance for doc. i use veet but it burns and leave marks.

    Also, omg don't put that stuff on your face
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    my grandma has hair on her face but i hate this..
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    ive been puttin it on my face for years .,
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    I have PCOS and have fought this issue for years. I tried Spirolactilone, it didn't work for me. I also tried Metformin, and a few other meds, nothing even slowed it down..... =(
    I hope you get better results!! Good luck to you on your journey!

    Was it a derm, endocrinologist, or ob/gyn that consulted you for the facial hair issue? Did you need to see several specialists, or were you able to review those options with just one?

    It was my OBGYN that tried the Spirolactilone and a few others I cant remember the names of. I moved to a different state about a year ago, and now I see a Family Dr and she had me try the metformin for a while. Nothing at all has helped. Its the most embarrassing thing in the world. =(
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    in sc.
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    my grandma has hair on her face but i hate this..

    Do you have regular cycles?
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    no insurance for doc. i use veet but it burns and leave marks.

    Also, omg don't put that stuff on your face

    If you are using Veet, I hope you are using the one that is forumlated for the face.