South-East Wisconsin Ladies meet-up???
Hello , I am looking for other ladies in or around my area who would like to start a social group. I have weight to lose, and it would be nice to hangout with other ladies in my boat. I am 25, and looking for motivation and friends that understand the need to lose the weight. This is just an idea, I really just know that I…
Eight months post op- Calories???
I am eight months post op and almost down 100 lbs. I am not sure on how many calories I should be consuming daily. I was just wondering where everyone is at??? I am between 1200-1500, too much maybe???
One week until surgery.....
I am exactly one week away from the Gastric Bypass Roux en Y.....I am crazy excited. I am also nervous.....Just wondering if anyone can give any kind of advice..... any insight is wonderful. THANK YOU, Elizabeth
Looking for other chicas who need to lose 100lbs too.....
I am looking for other chicas like myself who need to lose 100lbs more or less, as well. Looking to make friends....xoxo
New to goup....and GB scheduled for April....xoxo
Hello everyone, I am 25 years old and I am new to this awesome site. I have my GB scheduled for the end of April, and I dont have many people who I know that have done the same. I am looking to find people who are on every step, and looking for some freinds to make. I live in Hartford, WI, for six months now with my…
Where would you travel???
I am a big girl, and I dream of getting back to a size where I dont have to worry about seats and well showing my arms to more then people in my family, with out getting those "Oh well she would look better with a sweater" Whatever.....In a year I see myself much healthier...and much more confident, I will never be a size…
I am a newbie needing to loose 100 LBS......
Hello, I am Lisa and I am looking to lose 130 pounds....looking for people in the same boat as I am. I am hoping to make some friends who understand what it is to be big, and needing to lose that much....xoxo