New beginnings, Again!!
Here it is, slapped the patch on this morning. I would like to breathe while I work out and walk. I am hoping my brother will lend me his tapout dvds, I am just tired of giving up on myself, I know I can do this, and this time I am hoping it will be different. I have to take it one day at a time, I have to keep telling…
Having no kitchen, not too bad
I finally got on that dreaded scale this morning, much to my surprise the shock of gaining weight didn't kill me. I gained 4 lbs since the end of May, considering I have no cupboards, and no stove. Just a fridge in an empty room, the rest of the food in the living room in boxes. I can only take the bbq so long. I know its…
Hey There, been here a few years back...
Hey everyone, Just wanted to say hi! I have been here before, but I will not use excuses as to why I stopped, but I am back. Just like the show "the Biggest Loser" No EXCUSES!! I am willing, and committed to get healthy. My main goal is to fit into my jeans. But I would like to welcome all the new comers, and hello to pros.
I'm back again......
Hey everyone Well, back again. its been a few months and I have gained 10 lbs. I have gotten lazy and not caring what I ate. I know all the excuses, been there and done that. I will continue to keep trying. Get my lazy butt off the couch, hahaha! I will do the best that I can everyday and be accountable for what is in…
10 minute trainer.....
Good morning everyone, Almost didnt do it today, then I thought about it, who else will know, right? I made a promise to myself to do this for the next 30 days. I talked myself into doing all 3 workouts that are on the calendar, just know that you are out there to hold me accountable, and I'm glad you guys are there. I…
10 minute trainer
Hey everyone, I started the 10 minute trainer today, how am I suppose to log these exercises, when I dont know how many calories are used. The log won't allow me to put this in, without the calories spent. I took my before shots last night, and I plan on following the monthly calendar the program has set up, this morning I…
Hey there!!
Hey everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself. I am 39 years old, a mother of 2 boys, 19, and 15. Its about time for me, to take care of myself. I came across this site, just looking for a calorie counter. It does seem to very interactive, and full of support and motivation. I have lost some weight in the past, but it…