Calling all vegetarians if any I could do with some friends to swap recipes with
Hi just a general curiosity question. Does anyone have any friends on here who they know in person? Just curious because I don't have any friends on here who I know in person, none of my friends use this site. The friends I have on here I think are lovely i think its a nice community.
Not sure if I should post this here in support or fitness. Hope this doesn't sound vain or anything but I don't want to loose weight off my boobs, just a bit off my stomach and arms. Any tips? And is this achievable? Thanks :)
Just wondering what excercise videos people would say are the best but also fun. I don't really exercise but I do lots of walking. I walk everywhere and my job involves quiet a bit of walking. But would love to work out in my own home in the warmth lol.
Hi guys any vegetarians here or anyone know any tasty simple recipes for one. I'm sick of eating same things all the time nd when I find a recipe its always for like 6 people and I end up making to much and it gets wasted and I hate waste. I do eat prawns and makeral. sardines etc fish like that.
Hiya just thought I'd introduce myself, my names Sarah, looking forward to joining this community. Iv been using mfp for a about a month and I put my weight in wrong when I set it up and didn't realise for a few days. I put it in as 90kg instead of 65kg so it says iv lost 25 kg, does anyone know if there is a way to change…