I got news today that my bad cholestol was high they put me on a medicine for it can anyone help me by giving me some food to eat that would lower it back down to a normal range.I am having a really bad time with this and I know stress will cause you to gain weight .I dont need to gain it I need to lose it.Please if you…
I wasnt everyone to know that I was ashamed of who I had become but when I look at my before picture and look at my now picture.I say wow who was that person.Dont be ashamed of what you were but be proud of what you have done.If you need a friend I am here and if you need to talk I will listen.Check out my before and now…
can someone send me an email on how to find friends that you have told about the site and then how to invite people to be friends i cant figure that one out but i love this site
hi I am looking for friends who want the extra support and need someone in theri corner to make theri journey easier.If you want then add me.