I cannot run without calf pain
I am slowly coming to the conclusion that I cannot run without damaging myself. I'm starting to get concerned that not only will I not be able to run the full 10k I have signed up for on the 28th of May without stopping (that's not even an option now), but I might not even be able to make it round the course…
Underwear for Running...
Hello... I have a slightly embarassing issue in that I can't find any underwear (Pants, to us Brits) which is comfortable to wear under shorts for running. You can read all about the actual issue I am having in my blog here: http://giggingforever.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/only-in-your-underwear.html But does anyone know of…
Runners - Losing fitness whilst ill?
Well, with annoying predictability, I have a month to go before the 10k I'm training for and I've come down with a cold, or possibly a throat infection. I'm guessing that there's no point in me even trying to do any running - but assuming that I can't do anything until Saturday that'll be a whole week without a run, am I…
Travelling for Work!
I guess this is a general moan as much as anything else! I've been travelling with my work for the last 2 weeks and the combination of the break of my usual routine as well as unfamiliar food choices and having to eat out 3 meals a day are really taking their toll on the diet... It's weird, even though I obviously don't…