Does anyone else feel this way?
I used to run and was in incredible shape last year... even back in February. But as of now I find it so hard to run when im working full time. Even a yoga class is hard to think about doing after I work a long day. I know my job is sitting and answering phones, but when I get home... I just want to sleep. Does anyone else…
Diets and plans
I usually just try and stick to what i know as healthy, but I am wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to lose that last 10 pounds. I feel like it's stuck.
Sugar Buzz
Hi! I love sugar. I love sweets. The hardest thing for me is not eating sugar. I'm wondering if anyone has some helpful suggestions besides drinking water to help brush off this buzz!
Newbie from Vancouver
Hi! I am from Vancouver, BC, Canada and I've just signed up yesterday! It's my goal to maintain a healthy lifestyle and try and lose 10 pounds as fast and as healthy as possible. I have an allergy to both Dairy and Gluten, so if you have any recommendations or ideas, let me know! If you have questions about what I know,…