Sooooo, I got people on both sides telling me all kinds of stuff. I wanna know your thoughts. I've got chronic fatigue and although I've lost 110lbs, I can't shake it. So, even with a healthy diet I'm always tired. I've got friends who love it and hate it, so I thought I'd ask MFP. What are your thoughts on C4?
I rocked it on my treadmill at 6.5! Just upped it yesterday from 6.0, previously my fastest ;-) What about you!?!!
Today is your last workout of 2012 so tell me about it! What did you do? How many calories did you burn? What's your workout plan for next year? Me: Treadmill: 4.0 with intervals at 5.0-6.5. Burned 210 calories 23 minutes. I've been taking it easy doing treadmill workouts during the holidays. On 12/7 I'm going to finish…
Brad Pitt, the new face of Chanel No. 5. What are your thoughts? ( I hope you ladies don't mind me adding this topic to Fashionistas :wink: )