Hello, So I have been on here maybe a month and never really introduced myself or made friends...besides Wendy who is awesome! Anyways, I am 22, going to be 23 on St. Patricks day. A full time student at NCSU, und a bar tender when I am I not studying for school. My major is Zoology and I hope to make it into Vet School. I…
So here is my problem. I am doing the P90X program and am on week 6 so I really dont want to stop the program now. However I use the equipment provided to me in the small fitness room of my apartment complex, which has just been closed for repair. (I got there this morning and it had a huge sign on the door...so much for…
I don't know if it's just the stress from knowing my first exams are coming up this and next week (Physics tomorrow, Cell Bio Thursday, Ecology and Organic Chem next week wends) or if I am just having a sluggish week but I really need some motivation... I have to fight myself out of bed every morning, fight to eat anything…
So I am doing a diet I talked over with my doctor. It consists of a food sub-lament and stages. Stage I: 14 days of liquid diet only. Here I am spossed to stay with the food sublament and eat vegetable broth if I get really hungry. The problem is that i am currently burning more calories during my work outs than I am…