What is all this eat more to weigh less that I am seeing everywhere? I have been bouncing around to various threads, but can't seem to get down to the bare bones of what it is about.
Saw this link and thought it was worth sharing
Need Recommendations
I am looking for recommendations. My wife and i began P90X and three weeks into it had an issue that required all of my time away from work for the next five weeks. I recently re-started it and decided to follow a customized version as she does not care about the weight training portion ( I know, I know, I'm working on…
P90X Yoga - DO NOT LIKE!!
OK, I DO NOT like the yoga portion of P90X. I need to come up with something else. It's impossible to do with 2 kids under 8 interrupting every 5 minutes and I really just do not enjoy it. I can't wait for the kids to go to bed to start it because by then it's too late. I'm going to have to find something to replace it…
P90X; Gym; Calorie Deficit
I am in week 3 of my first round of P90X. Prior to starting it, I was hitting weights (full body, superset workout) on Mon, Wed and Fri mornings. Also, I was doing 30-45 min of cardio every day. I quickly learned that it was not possible to maintain this schedule and give 100% to P90X, so I backed off the weights a bit and…
40 something P90X blog
I am in week 2 of P90X and have been chronicling my experience on my blog here. As a 43 year old, over weight, former athlete, I thought it may be of some help for others in my demographic groups thinking of using this workout or for anyone who may be too intimidated by it. I'm not promising anything too technical, but it…
The Mother Nature workout
Woke up to 2" of snow with another 5-10 on the way. It's nice, heavy, wet snow too. Thanks for the new workout routine Mother Nature!
P90X Advice
I have been a fitness fan for most of the last 25 years. Over the years, I have gone through a couple minor knee surgeries and a couple moderate shoulder surgeries. I am very excited to begin P90X as my next step in getting back into shape. I would rate myself as being in "decent" shape with some extra weight. I lift…
(Sorta) New Kid on the Block
Greetings all! I've been using this now for a little over a week and have to say that I like it better than the site I was using. While the other one has a few other bells and whistles, this one seems to be far more accurate on the calorie counts. I won't go into detail on my fitness/diet experience. Feel free to visit my…