P90X Yoga - DO NOT LIKE!!

bradspace Posts: 54
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
OK, I DO NOT like the yoga portion of P90X. I need to come up with something else. It's impossible to do with 2 kids under 8 interrupting every 5 minutes and I really just do not enjoy it. I can't wait for the kids to go to bed to start it because by then it's too late. I'm going to have to find something to replace it with. Suggestions welcome.


  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    It's probably the single most important workout of the whole thing. It's the one that keeps your body from injury, helps your flexibility and fixes you up before the brutal Legs/Back the following day. I know it's long, but if you're going to skip a workout - skip one of the other ones. I know it's super hard, and I hated it too (actually, I have yoga today - as every Thursday and I'm sort of dreading it again) but it's important!


    Of course, if you don't want to do it, don't. But in my experience with my clients, the ones who keep on doing it are the happiest in the end. (Also, the only 2 people I know who have ever pulled a muscle doing P90X both always skipped yoga. That's good enough for me to get my bendy on)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You can start with the X Stretch DVD instead. I have done that with my daughters.
  • I know how you feel... I suffered through it when I did P90X but that was by myself or with my husband doing it with me and the lights out. I couldn't imagine being interrupted a lot. Is there any portion of it you do like? You could always do some of the warm up stretches then fast forward to the sitting portion and Yoga Belly Abs so you at least do some stretching, some abs just cut it down to 30-45 minutes and cut out a lot of the poses?

    Good luck!
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    There is another video available. I believe it is called patience of a hummingbird and it is shorter. Many people who struggle with the length of the DVD find this one more appealing.

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    I started P90X two and a half years ago and I've moved on to other programs now but I still do Yoga X every Sunday. I never feel better all week than I do after I've completed the yoga video.

    Sometimes when I don't want to do it I focus on how I will feel afterwards. I KNOW I will feel amazing once I'm done. I know that it will center my mind. I know it will increase my flexibility. I know it will relieve stress. Focus on what it IS doing for your body!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    There is also the Fountain of Youth video which is 45 minutes - Or you can do the first 45 minutes of the moving poses of Yoga and do X-Stretch instead of a rest day.

    I have a good friend that is very into Yoga - she was teasing me yesterday when I told her I was doing Yoga. She is pretty certain that Tony Horton is not the best yoga instructor, doesn't hold the poses long enough and rushes it. She wanted me to get a different Yoga video by someone that is a better teacher. I wonder if this is why so many people hate the Yoga videos.

    That said - I love the Yoga one. It's something I've never done before and really enjoy it. I believe that it really has helped me the most of all program really to focus on the stretching, breathing and the extra time it takes me to do it. I throw it in an extra day here and there when I can even. For example, I brought it to work yesterday and did it on my lunch hour (which is 1 1/2 hours) in our conference room. I'm lucky to have that ability I know most don't.

    I so understand the frustration with the kids - mine do P90X with me. Nothing like an 8yo quoting Tony Horton throughout the day :)
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