Which do you go for? It seems to me that most the fat free products shows higher carbs and sugars. Why is that? My bff thinks that the manufacturers add sweetness to put SOME flavor in fat free products. I'm not sure that I disagree with her.
I am having trouble staying focused on this program because, I really can't believe that people the ages of my children or grand children has the same weight loss issues as I have or the problems I have. I would love to get feedback from people who may actually share some of the same memories I do.
How much is too much and what is the consequences? I have 'heard' that too much can flush away needed nutrients? Is this true? Does my age (almost 67) and weight (still have 50 + to lose) factor into it? Anyone?
I am 66 yrs old and, although I have lost my first 12 lbs, I am still grossly overweight. (I weigh in at 200 lbs at this time. I do want to start a exercise program but, to complicate matters, I broke my right fibula last Sept. My doctor says "Sure, exercise is good but at your age and weight, putting stress on that leg is…