At the moment I'm in one of the best places I've been as I'm happy with the weights I'm lifting and that I am pushing it on the exercise front. According to the charts I'm a healthy weight and BMI for my height. However I desperately want a flat stomach and the fat seems to be refusing to budge. I know that I didn't gain…
I'm sure my scales must be wrong as my clothes don't feel tighter but it's so stressful looking at the scales. I've torn a ligament in my foot so I haven't done my usual 4 workouts but I'm worried as I don't feel in control and I won't be back to normal workouts for another week or two (I started back with upper body…
Hi, I do at least 3 sessions a week at the gym - one 45mins weight session with lunges/squats/upper body stuff and then 2 classes - a conditioning class and either spin or body attack. On weekends I try and do a fitness dvd to keep things ticking over. I'm seeing progress on the sides of my stomach thinning out but I still…
i'm having a bad hungry day today, my usual breakfast and snack havent filled me up. I'm already at 600 calories for the day, how do i stop myself eating?!
Does anyone else eat when bored at work? I'm trying so hard to be good but then when I'm at work sat at my desk I just feel like I want something to eat. I'm trying to keep healthy snacks at work like clementines and nuts but it's so annoying!
Hi, I had been at a stable weight of 121lbs so decided to join mfp to see if I could get down to 112lbs which is the weight I've always wanted to be (I'm 5ft 4). I have a bad habit of weighing myself everyday and instead of the numbers going down over the past couple of weeks on the scale I seem to be going up. I'm logging…