Don't want to start a group but need a little motivation to get into onederland and I'm sure I'm not alone. Anyone can track their progress here through the month of May!!! Let's do this!!! Start-208.8 Goal- >199 Motivation....Birthday is in June-want to get some inches off my stomach and thighs before the summer-
Just started taking chia seeds this week and I notice a difference in my energy level.It's not like it's making me run around like a wild rabbit but I haven't been feeling sleepy at work at all. and I've lost a pound every day since Sunday. Has anyone else taken it and what were your benefits?
This is a salad that I have for lunch with a lean cuisine (i always add a tbsp. Of parmesan cheese to my L.C. it's only 20 cal. And it taste so much better) Anyways...the salad. 1 serving 2 cups Mixed greens- romaine,spring mix,and iceberg (30 cal.) 2 tbsp. Sundried tomatoes,julienne (.50 oz. is 40 cal.) 1 Tbsp. Red onion,…
If you're trying to maintain your weight you can to a few things to help. 1. Drink beverages ice cold 2. Eat ice 3. Take cold showers 77degrees 4. Try to sleep with the temp. at about 72degrees without heavy covers 5. Don't wrap up to much around the house. The point is getting your body to stay at a constant temp. Of 98.6…
I have 80 pounds to lose and I'm just wondering if I should set my tiker at 40 lbs. , get to that goal...then do it again. Any suggestions
I want to loss weight but I don't want my breast to go with it...:( any suggestions? Vitamins...lotions...anything?