NSV finally!
I've had quite a few little NSVs since losing the weight I have (I'm nearly halfway there!) But...no matter how much I lost, I never seemed to budge an inch in the skirts/pants size departments. I was consistently a 14, and this made me sad. And then...I walked into work, and zipped easily into a size 12 skirt! A size 12…
I know it's indulgent, but...
...I cannot even begin to explain how much I love Disaronno and Bailey's together. It's....it's just beautiful, okay.
Binge backfires?
Have you ever tried to binge on something and had it terribly backfire on you? For me, there was a day where I wanted nothing but cocoa mix, like Swiss Miss. I ended up inhaling some up my nose and was coughing chocolate for hours!
Bikini suggestions?
I'm looking for a bikini...I'll need it by August. The thing is, I'd love something that isn't micro, or essentially just a pile of strings, or see-through. It'll be a vacation with my family, and as much as I like looking sexy for my girlfriend, my mom and dad can definitely skip on the eyeful. Do you have any suggestions…
Ideal measurements?
I'm curious as to whether anyone on here is going not only by goal weights, but goal measurements as well? I'd like to know, because I'm currently working toward a 24-inch waist, and I've been told (by people in my life) that that's much too small. However, looking it up, it seems as if 24-25 inches is an ideal waist…
Butt bible results?
I've just started the butt bible today, and I can feel that it's a really good workout...I never even knew I had some of the muscles I worked from this video! I am curious, however, to see who else is using it or has in the past, and whether the program is really awesome, or just so-so?