weight loss side effect? body odor & nicotine smell?
My body is FINALLY releasing weight and I am so so glad but I have a question... Over the last few days I have been noticing that I have really bad body odor. It is all over my body. I keep showering, using deodorant (obviously) and using perfume so I hope it isn't too noticeable to other people. I have NEVER had a problem…
I feel out of control
This hasn't happened to me in years and I feel completely out of control. I've been eating compulsively for 4 days. Stuffing myself with carbs. Each morning I have started out saying. "Ok, it's over". I start out on track and then I just spin out of control. It is healthy stuff (mostly) but I'm just being compulsive. I…
legs feel like lead...
My working out is going very well. I am getting stronger and much more toned. My energy level is great. My weight loss has stalled but I am trying to stay positive but... My legs feel really heavy whenever I try to jog. It is so strange. I feel as if I am retaining a lot of fluid and I think that this is the reason for the…
Craving protien!
I have a huge craving for protien...do you think that means I should up my daily protien? Each meal I eat protien, carbs and some fat. It makes me feel the best to eat this way. I'm eating about 45 grams of protien a day. I do an hour of advanced Bar Method 5 days a week (intense muscle toning) and do a 3 mile fast pased…
Well, this is weird...
Don't exactly know how to describe this but I'm going to try... I'm working out quite a bit. I'm getting stronger and increasing my endurance. I have lost pounds and inches but... The weight around my waist and on my upper arms has become really really jiggly and mushy feeling. It is so hard to explain. It is as if the…
How many rest days?
I've been making great progress with my workouts but now I'm feeling really fatigued. I've been doing Bar Method classes 5 days a week and run/walks 3 days a week. I take two days off every seven days but never two on a row. Should I just push through the muscle fatigue I am feeling (no pain and no feeling as if I might…
Working out and I look terrible!
I went through a loooooong difficult period in my life and i completely let myself go. I gained a lot of weight (i think due to depression) and i stopped exercising except for walking. Before a life crisis that happened 7 years ago, I had always kept in shape and exercise was as much a part of my life as brushing my teeth.…
Exercise releasing virus in system?
This has happened on several occasions and I'm very curious about why it happens. I hadn't been working out too hard. Just long walks with the dog. Then I decided that I needed to kick it up several notches. Yesterday I did a vey hard spin class for the first time in months. Today I feel like I have a cold. Several months…
Injured and so discouraged
I was just starting to feel more fit, feeling like my old self a little bit and then I got hurt. I went to run across the street and my calf muscle clenched up. I could barely stand on it yesterday and it is a bit better today but there is no way i will be able to work out for a while. I feel so discouraged. I would love…
Problems rehydrating...any suggestions?
I've upped my workouts to doing an hour of The Bar Method or Power Yoga (not hot yoga) AND an hour of fast pace waking per day. I feel great except I cannot seem to hydrate enough. I currently weigh 175 (ug) and have 40 pounds to lose. I consider my baseline need for water to be 87oz (about 11 cups) and then I add another…
Brain drain after workouts
I used to be in great shape...I did an international distance triathlon the year before I became pregnant with my daughter (that was 9 years ago). Even when not training for something like this, I always worked out every day. It was just part of my life. When I was even younger I was a professional ballet dancer... Then,…
Hiking in LA...
Does anyone here hike in LA? Would a strenuous hike on one of the trails the Santa Monica Mountains be the same as "hiking with less then 10 pounds"?
strange question...
I gained 80 pounds and have lost about half of it. I have been stalled for a while and have recommitted to losing all of the weight. This is the strange thing...whenever I start losing weight I swear that I have a weird body smell. It isn't like "normal" BO. It seems as if it comes from all of my pores, all over my body.…
light-headed...does it get better?
Ok, I used to maintain my weight very easily but I put on 80 pounds after I had my baby (now not a baby!) 7 years ago. I had health problems and a lot of stress... Anyway, once the medical problem was addressed I lost 35 pounds very easily but now I am clearly going to have to work very hard to take off the remaining 45…