Ragnar Relay
Has anyone run in a Ragnar Relay? I'm running Vegas here in October and really don't know what to expect. I really just want the experience and the fun of running with others.
Picking up speed!
I've been running for a little over a year now. I'm still around a 10:30/11 min mile. Any suggestions on how to pick up the pace? I have really bad knees and feet, so my strides are short.
10 Minute Trainer
I'm watching an commercial for 10 minute trainer. Has anyone out there tried this?
Does anyone use GU, when running? Does it help? How do you get past the icky thick goo going into your mouth? Anyone use something different?
Running Help
I am training for a Half Marathon in May. Any tips out there to get past the 7,8,9 mile runs? I can do 6 no problem, but 7 kicked my butt yesterday!
Same old thing
I have the same thing for breakfast 6 days a week. A bowl of Special K Choc Delight and a cup of Grapefruit. Sunday's I usually go to town for breakfast - scrambled egg and bacon. Is this bad to keep eating the same thing? Should I be changing it up?
What's up with 30 Day Shred?
So I've been watching all the posts about the "30 day Shred" and I'm curious about it. So curious that I went out and bought it today. I'm hoping that it will help me build a better core for running. . I'm now looking for some support to go along with it. Anyone else out there just starting? Looking for some new friends to…
Half Marathon Training
I'm running a Half Marathon in May, just wondering if anyone has followed a training program and which one they like best. My long run is about 5/6 miles depending on the day. Thanks.
Need a little push on my running!
I've completed the C25K and the Ease to 10K. Anyone have any suggestions for me to continue my running without getting burned out on the treadmill? I'm in ND, so it's not nice enough to run outside yet!
Any Programs for Half Marathon Training, done the C25K & the
I have completed the C25K and I'm almost done with the E210K, does anyone know of a good training program out there for Half Marathon?
A Beer once in a while?
Just needing some advice for including a drink once in a while. I shoot pool on Wednesday's and I usually have a few drinks. I've been stuck on my weight for some time. This past week I didn't drink anything and I finally went past that weight mark. Any advise on how to lose and be able to have a social life?