Salad Ideas
I often take a big salad to work for lunch. I can make a big, filling salad and as long as I'm careful with the dressing, keep the calories relatively low. I start my salads with basics I always have (romaine, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, etc.), but I'm always looking for fun, different things to add to my salad,…
Baked Ziti with Veggies
Baked ziti is one of my favorites. I played with my favorite recipe, cutting the pasta in half & adding lots of veggies to fill in for the pasta. I weight most everything, so I've listed the grams of veggies I used to figure the calories. I like my zucchini chopped chunky, but you could grate it and you would never know…
My latest "must have" food----Braggs
As a vegetarian, there are a few foods that are always in my pantry. Things that I just wont do with out and that let me make yummy meals with whatever I have on hand. They include nutritional yeast, low sodium canned tomatoes, liquid smoke, red wine vinegar, assorted spices, etc... My newest "must have" is Braggs Liquid…
Homemade Cheese Nutrition?
I decided to make my own farmers cheese (like paneer, but looser curd, more the consistancy of cottage cheese). I did it partially because I like to try making new things and partially because of the ridiculous amount of sodium in store bought cottage cheese. It was really easy to to, just 2 ingredients, a gallon of skim…
Spice Mix for Popcorn, Nuts & Veggies
One of my MFP friends was talking about buying plain almonds to avoid all the salt & additives in flavored ones. I make my own spice mix to use on popcorn, nuts & veggies, so I promised to share it. This is just a basic starter recipe, that I've mixed up to my taste. Feel free to change it up. 3 tblsp smoked paprika 3…
Sometimes its the little things
I've lost a good chunk of weight. I can see it in the scale and the way my clothes fit, but today something happened that really drove home how much I've lost. I wear 2 thin bangle bracelets. I've worn the bracelets for the past 10 years and for the past 5 years or so, I haven't been able to get them off. They just…
You'll never want to buy apple sauce again...
I was having friends over for dinner, making homemade pot pies. I wanted something for sides that would be easy to make & could be made ahead. I found an Alton Brown recipe for 10 minute apple sauce that looked really easy. I altered the recipe a bit, for our dietary needs (some vegans) and tastes (bourbon, not brandy!).…
Berry Hot Chocolate Mix
We always make our own hot chocolate mix in my family. This is the one I've been making for the last few years & everyone just loves it. I make a huge batch in late fall & we drink it all winter long. This recipe makes about 80 servings, so adjust as you see fit. It's amazing that 1 little tub of Crystal Light gives it…
We usually have mashed rutabaga at Thanksgiving, but never any other time. This year we had a couple that we didn't boil and mash. I thought I would have some for dinner the other night, but wanted to check the nutritional info first. Boy, was I surprised at how good their numbers are. I compared them to both potatoes &…
Today I went shopping in my own closet & it was awesome!
A few months ago I was out shopping. I tried on a pair of pants in my normal size 24 and they were too tight. I tried on the 26 & they fit. I'd never worn a 26 before. I'd noticed that my current pants were getting a bit tight & uncomfortable, but really hadn't thought much about it. I thought to myself, "NO, this is not…
Slimmed Down Scalloped Potatoes
I love scalloped potatoes, but the recipe I used to make used heavy cream and lots of butter. Talk about calories & fat! I found this recipe on Eating Well... http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/slimmed_down_scalloped_potatoes.html I did make a few changes. Instead of reduced fat sour cream, I used 0% fat Greek Yogurt. I…
My Favorite Super-Duper Easy Fruit Dip
I made this recipe for a baby shower and everyone loved it. I make it a lot for myself now. It's great for dipping any fruit in and I've also used it as a dressing for a creamy fruit salad (I used it on watermelon & blueberrys for a July 4th picnic). It's both tangy and sweet. Whisk together: 1 - container Cool Whip (I use…