Has anyone ever changed their calorie intake from 1200 to a higher amount to start losing. I have a hard time thinking I should maybe eat more to lose weight. I have a hard time eating my 1200 calories if I am eating the right thing. I was thinking about saying I only want to lose 1 lb a week instead of 2 and increasing my…
What would you put cardio boot camp under. It has step,kick and hand weights in it. Its a good workout I just wasn't sure what to put it under. Would it be general aerobics or high intensity workout?
Can anyone tell me a good exercise to strengthen your lower back. I noticed as I started a new step exercise program my back just isn't what it should be. Pain across the lower back and hip area. There has to be exercises that target and strengthen this area but I'm not sure which. Any help would be appreciated.
I was recently wondering an easy way to figure calories etc.. before I add it to my daily intake. I found this site that has all nutritional info and more. Seems like a great site. Thought I would let everyone know about it to see for yourself. http://nutritiondata.self.com/
How many people log daily housework. I figured that was built into the program calories already. Also if it is something you already do then it shouldn't be added. Am I wrong???
Okay I am so happy I finally am exercising again. Getting back to eating right. I lost my first pound. Yeah!! This site has been so helpful. Seeing so many people working towards the same goal is great also. Everyone's support is appretiated. I just had to share my Joy no matter how small. :smile:
I found this site on the Today Show and just in time to help me start my weight loss. I need the support to get through the process of losing weight. i am determined to lose. This seems like a wonderful website and I look forward to losing weight with the rest of everyone on here. Anyone who would like a weight loss buddy…