I was wondering after you lose weight your calorie count should change you will need to take in less calories will this site automatically update that? Or when you workout you will be burn less calories at a smaller weight does the site go by the first weight you programed in or does it figure it by the weight it says you…
Ok we all know some people weigh themselves everyday and some weigh themselves once a week. I have taken a peak at the scale this week and it is down 2 pounds but I was only going to log my weight loss once a week. For those of you that weigh everyday do you log your weight loss every time the scale goes down or do you log…
I am wanting to buy my own Heart Rate Montior that will track my calories during things like Zumba class our Y offers them to use but they only work with the machines I want one for when I am walking or doing things like Zumba class what brand would you reccommened.
Hi I just started using this site last Wednesday I have stayed within my calories range and have exercised everyday yeah. I am trying my hardest to not weigh myself again until Wednesday to see what the scale says having a hard time not weighing though. I have lost weight before 40 pounds then I gain 60 though something…