

  • Halloween challange: Starting weight for challange 235 Current weight for challange 232 Starting weight for MFP 244 Current weight for MFP 232 :) its goind down!!!
  • I already knew I wanted to lose weight but what really set me in motion was when a little boy I was taking care of at work said "you have a big belly" I tried to just ignore the comment and he said it again that was it I though I am losing this tummy thing!
  • You burn caloires based on your intensity every website is going to show a different calories burned most likey. The best way to see how many caloires you are actually burning is to use a heart rate monitor. You put your height and weight in and it bases your calories on your heart rate as not every one exercises at the…
  • I have the Polar F4 blue ice the womens it is awesome the wristwatch is not bulky at all and the heart rate strap stays in place great! I love seeing how many caloires I burn. I compared it to the machine at the gym the heart rate was right on and the calories were not far off! I would reccommend it. I will be using it for…
  • I would love to join I am already in the 20 pounds by Halloween challange the more challanges I am in the better will help keep me on track!
  • I have a polar F4 with chest strap I love it. I compared it to the computers on the gym machines and the heart rate was right on the money the calories were a little off but not bad.
  • Welcome I am here to stay I have lost 10 pounds but have 84 to go feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Starting weight for the challange 235 Current weight for the challange 234 Goal weight for Halloween 215 Starting weight for MFP 244 Current weight 234 :)
  • Mine would have to be cheesecake! Just the plain cheesecake on a grahm cracker crust sooo soo yummy. I would also say chex mix I love the peanut lovers checx mix. I have not had either one for a month now. I would hate to have to work off all the calories of one slice of cheesecake. Maybe when I hit my goal weight I will…
  • Hi everyone my name is Kathy. I started MFP 2 weeks ago. I have lost weight before I will lose 40 then something will happen to set me off and I will gain back 60 I am tired of being tired. Before I had my kids I was around 135 pounds and was never out of energy now that I am over 200 I just don't have any energy anymore.…
  • I have been logging it under low impact areobics I do it under low becuase I can't keep up with the rest of the class yet so figure I don't burn as many calories as they do. I have ordered a heart rate montitor so I will be able to see the actual calories I do burn taken it.
  • Way to go! You are an inspiration for me as that is my main goal right now to get under 200 I need to lose more weight than that but right now I am just working on seeing that 199 on the scare. Congrats.
  • Thanks for the replies. I have decided to log my weight loss once a week on Tuesdays. Mt fav show Biggest Loser will be back on that day!
  • I have been reading reveiws on other sites and it seems polar is the way to go thanks I will check out the F7
  • My YMCA has them you can check out to use while you exercise I love them it is the only way you can put your weight and age into the treadmills to get a more accurate calorie count. I was thinking about buying one of my own though so I didn't always have to ask for one the brand they have is Polar and they work great.
  • You look amazing! Keep up the good work you should feel great and feel great about yourself
  • Love it thanks for sharing.
  • You look AWESOME GIRL!!!! Way to go you are a great inspiration to the rest of us just starting on our journeys I have a long way to go but can't wait to post before and after pics!
  • I would love to weight what I did in highschool. I was 135 pounds and a size 7 all through highschool after highschool before I had my firsth child I got down to 113 but I would be happy now at 150!
  • Thanks for the replies I just went to my goal page and updated it with my new weight and it changed my calorie intake for the day.
  • Congrats you look awesome you should be very proud of yourself!
  • It depends on your height compared to your weight I am 5"4 and started at 244 pounds my I put to lose 2 pounds a week and it gave me a calorie count of 1240 a day. I am now down to 238 after a week yeah.
  • I would love to join your group I have been looking for a group to join to support me and your group looks great. I am a married mom of two I just started this site and my newest calorie counting diary last Wednesday I weighed 244 pounds I have gained all my weight after having my kids I would love to get back down to my…
  • Welcome Shannon! Wish you the best of luck losing your last 12 you have done a great job with the weight that you already lost keep it up!
  • I have always heard that jumping rope is a great exercise that is one of the exercises boxers use and we know what great shape they are in! I have a hard time jump roping though at my weight it is hard to jump up and down! I used to love to jump rope though and would love to be able to do it again!
  • Welcome to the journey. I am also a mom of two kids I have a teenager and a 7 year old. I just started on my journey last Wednesday wish you the best of luck on your journey.
  • I have been working out every day since I started my weightloss challange. I only live 9 blocks away from my local YMCA which I also work at so it is easy to get there to work out. I have not worked out for long periods of a time yet though it is usually about 45 mintues I want to build up to longer. Created by…
  • Way to Go! The dress looks great! Congrats on a job well done! :smile:
  • I love Zumba but I can only make it to two of the zumba classes a week I am working the other times they are avaiable. I would love to get the zumba dvds but I have a very small living room and it is carpet and don't know how well it would work.
    in Zumba Comment by luvstolose August 2010
  • I am with ya there. My husband weighs at 100 pounds less than I do. He can eat anything he wants in fact he is trying to gain weight but the weight dosen't come off. Anytime I eat anything it seems to add antother pound to my body. I do not want to be bigger than my husband anymore I am taking control!