Morbidly obese, Really??
I was just wondering if any of the other guys or girls out there who lift heavy on a regular basis for extended amounts of time have been told by their doctors that they are obese or morbidly obese? My guy was at his doctors recently and that's what he told him. B knows that he eats really healthy and works out 5-6 days of…
Am I seeing things?
For the longest time I wasn't seeing any changes in my face and then suddenly with this photo I can finally see it! Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing this??
Lower leg pain
Hi, In the past few weeks I went from walking on my Treadclimber to walking/jogging outside. I've noticed that my shins are sore and even feel bruised when I touch them, though there is no visible bruising. Will this go away with time if I continue to walk/jog my route outside or is there something I can do to prevent this…
Trust the Treadclimber??
Hi : ) I walk on my Treadclimber several times a week (4-5). I have the incline set to a 7 and I start out at 3mph and work up to the max of 4mph. If I walk for about an hour, (ended up doing 3.56 miles) it says I burned 805 calories. Does this seem like a feasible number?
Need help setting my goals, please!
I really have no idea what I'm doing here. I've used the suggested calculaters to figure out LBM and TDEE, I've read and reread the post about how to use TDEE to adjust my calorie goals. Oh and .8 to 1 grams of protein to your LBM and .35 grams of fat but not sure if thats of your LBM or of your current weight? I'm so…