I just recently got a mill for grinding my own grain for homemade bread and I'm in love with it (does a much better job than the good coffee mill I had been using previously, lol!) So far I've made some bread and ground some oat flour to use in chocolate chip cookies. I'm interested in anyone's recipes for stuff from bread…
I just got a nice big bunch of young kale from my CSA farmer, roots and all. I put them in water when I got home (about an hour and a half after they were picked) and they are wilting. Any suggestions? I cut the stems on a few and put those directly in water, but that does not seem to be helping either. Anything I can do…
After reading the meat and happyness thread, I thought about the smoked brisket Scott (my hubby) made for us last weekend. My odd confession is: wood smoke is an aphrodesiac to me. Campfire smell is great, wood smoker even better.:blushing: Anyone else have any odd confessions?
I figure there might be someone out there who hasn't thought about using these, but manual oil sprayers (they usually operate by air pressure from a built-in pump) can really cut how much oil you need to cook. If you have a kitchen scale it's fairly easy to figure out how much you use. I pumped it about as far as it would…
This year we are buying a share in a local CSA. For those unfamiliar with the term, people buy a share of the crops of a local farmer, who usually has a small scale farm that grows by natural methods and many are certified Natural and/or Organic. The share is picked up or dropped off weekly or every other week. I was just…