Dating a Super Hero
I liked the other topic today about what super power you would choose if you could so I thought I'd start another one... If you could date any super hero, which one would it be? For me, I'd have to go with She Hulk. Mmm..... She Hulk! http://marvel.com/universe/She-Hulk
HRM Question
Here's a question for HRM users: Do you subtract your resting calories burned from the calories you burn during your workout? For example, according to my new HRM (Polar FT40) I burn 84-90 calories per hour just sitting on the couch watching TV. If I exercised for an hour and it said I burned 500 calories, should I record…
How much protein after muscle training
I've read that you should eat protein within 45 minutes of muscle building exercises. Can anyone tell me how much is a good amount of protein? I have a shake that, with milk, gives me 20grams of protein. Is that enough? Thanks in advance! -jd
MFP for teens?
I'm a therapist working with troubled teens and sometimes they are overweight or obese. I'd like to refer them to an online resource like MFP. Does MFP have a teen version? I've heard of SparkTeen, but I don't know how it or SparkPeople works. Are SparkTeen and SparkPeople just basically the same as MFP? If they are…
Looking for some guy friends
Hi, my name is JD. I'm 42, married with 2 kids and I live in Michigan. I was at about 265 pounds at New Years. I'm down 9 lbs now and I'm trying to get down to an even 200 by the end of summer. I've got a really bad back, so I'm need to get as much weight off it as possible and keep it off, just to keep walking normally as…
Does anyone else do yoga as a primary form of exercise? How do you log it in MFP? As cardio? As strength? It seems to fit better under strength, but it doesn't lend itself well to listing it as "sets" and "reps". Not quite sure the best way to log it. -jd
Bad backs and fitness / exercise
The thing that really inspired me to get fit, exercise and lose weight is that I recently found out I have a degenerated disc in my lower back (L5/S1). About a month ago I'd hit a point where I could barely walk because the pain was so bad. Today, I'm doing yoga every day (morning and evening sometimes) just to keep my…
Hello. My name is JD and I'm a 42 year old married guy in the US. I've been 60-75 pounds over weight for quite a few years now but could never get motivated enough to do anything about it. But about a month ago I started having terrible back pain and found out that I have a degenerated disc in my lower spine. I'm pretty…