I'm taking green tea pills... to help my metabolism as I lose weight. I knew it had antioxitants but I didn't know what those helped... there are so many things it helps- skin, prevents certain diseases and cancer, delays the onset of diabetes, and a bunch more things. I'm impressed! I thought I saw an improvement with my…
I just saw this commercial for Trop50 from Tropicana... 50 calories per 8 ounce glass. here are a couple articles about it: http://www.beneaththebrand.com/2009/03/tropicana-introduces-trop50/ http://news.prnewswire.com/DisplayReleaseContent.aspx?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/03-30-2009/0004997047&EDATE= just wanted to put it…
anyone ever done that? there's an event in my city in a couple weeks, but it's 6 1/4 miles. I don't think I can do it quite yet. I can barely make it half that walking outside... but I really want to do it in 2010. I want to know if anyone has done it and what they're experiences were. did it make you feel good, both on a…
My name is Bonnie. I'm 20, been chubby/overweight about two-thirds of my life. This whole past year, I've been between like 287 and 292, and that's too close to 300 for my comfort. I told myself I'd never reach 300. So I decided this is a good time to get into gear and lose weight before I do reach that high. I'm doing a…