I live with my dad and step-mom who are both overweight. I was ready for a change and changed my diet and exercise habits. So far, I’ve lost 35 lbs and have another 30 to lose. I've even inspired my step-mom to make some positive changes in her life. I never asked either of them to join me because I know that only they can…
I signed up for 5 weeks of bootcamp. I had my first class last night. The instructor told me it was a bit lighter than normal but it sure felt intense to me. One of the other girls in the class told me about some of the other more intense exercises that they do. One of them being running with a holding a tire above your…
I've read a lot of articles stating that you should have less than 30g of sugar per day. This can't include natural sugars found in fruits right? Because if it does, my sugar count is shot after I eat an apple. And how does milk/other dairy products fit in with this sugar debate? Thanks!
I eat lunch around noon everyday and workout after work about 5:30pm. I typically don't have a snack before my workout and don't feel hungry in the afternoon. I've read a lot of articles where some say working out on an empty stomach is great and burns fat. Others say it's awful and you're actually burning muscle. Since…